Chao Zhao
czhaobb at connect dot ust dot hk

Hi, I'm a final-year PhD student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), advised by Professor Qifeng Chen.

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* indicates equal contribution

Learning thin deformable object manipulation with embodied multisensory integration

Chao Zhao*, Chunli Jiang*, Lifan Luo*, Shuai Yuan, Qifeng Chen, Hongyu Yu
Under revision, Science Robotics
Website  •  

ERRA: An Embodied Representation and Reasoning Architecture for Long-horizon Language-conditioned Manipulation Tasks

Chao Zhao*, Shuai Yuan*, Chunli Jiang, Junhao Cai, Hongyu Yu, Michael Yu Wang, Qifeng Chen
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2023
Website  •   ArXiv  •   Video  •   Code

Flipbot: Learn Continuous Paper Flipping via Coarse-to-Fine Exteroceptive-Proprioceptive Exploration

Chao Zhao*, Chunli Jiang*, Junhao Cai, Hongyu Yu, Michael Yu Wang, Qifeng Chen
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023
Website  •   ArXiv  •   Video  •   Code

Learn to Grasp via Intention Discovery and its Application to Challenging Clutter

Chao Zhao, Chunli Jiang, Junhao Cai, Hongyu Yu, Michael Yu Wang, Qifeng Chen
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2023
Website  •   ArXiv  •   Video  •   Code

Learn from Interaction: Learning to Pick via Reinforcement Learning in Challenging Clutter

Chao Zhao ,Jungwon Seo
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2022

Learning to Pick by Digging: Data-Driven Dig-Grasping for Bin Picking from Clutter

Chao Zhao*, Zhekai Tong*, Juan Rojas, Jungwon Seo
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022
Website  •   ArXiv  •   Video  •   Code

Deep dexterous grasping of novel objects from a single view

Umit Rusen Aktas, Chao Zhao, Marek Kopicki, Ales Leonardis, Jeremy L. Wyatt
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 2022
Website  •   ArXiv

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